Brief intro:
I am the founder and CEO of Pharmatics, a new startup company using advancements in machine learning, high-dimensional statistics, bioinformatics, systems and molecular biology, and trial design to improve drug development and personalized medicine. I am a deputy coordinator of MIMOmics, a consortium of 15 SMEs and academic institutions. I am an honorary member of the Center for Community Health Sciences and a visiting member of the Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
Research Interests:
My research interests are in theory and applications of probabilistic machine learning and data mining, with a particular focus on medical, financial, and computer science applications. I am interested in high-impact real-life applications of data analysis for addressing unmet practical needs. I am interested in commercialization of research and translation of research ideas to successful products and services.
Here is the list of my recent publications related to probabilistic machine learning and applications.
Current Projects:
Identification of predictive and causal biomarkers and biomarker panels.
Structure learning for large-scale graphical models with latent variables and side information.
Efficient learning and inference in conditional models with structured targets.
Practical applications of predictive inference.
Extensions of common approaches to financial risk minimization.
Here is the list of recommended online courses, books, and tutorials on probabilistic machine learning.
This page was maintained by Felix Agakov
School of Public Health
Medical School, University of Edinburgh
Teviot Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG, UK
Page last updated: Jan. 28, 2012